When me and Scott got married we deciede to wait a little bit for we would have kids.
We wanted to be married for a year, and Scott needed to have his hip surgery. With being newly married we didn't want to put a strain on our marriage. It would have been to hard. Before Rylan, our days were carefree and spontaneous and easy. Life was good, we thought lol. Me and Scott were they type who really did pick up on a moment's notice and go somewhere. We would go out to eat all the time, hang out with friends, have friends over, and go 4 wheeling. We didn't have nobody but each other to answer to. If we wanted to sleep till 12pm we could. I only done that cause I was working 3rd shift. We had many lazy days where we wouldn't do nothing. We had our "must-see TV", mine was sex in the city and Scott's was Jag. You know the phrase "youth is wasted on the young"? Well, not having children is wasted on those who don't have children. Those of us who have kids understand that it is totally impossible to appreciate the freedom of not having them until you actually do have them. But through all this we really, really, really wanted children. And the time came. And we waited 6 months for us to get pregnant. We was thrilled to finally have our baby boy. And then, we were shocked, overwhelmed, disoriented, and overly tired. How could something so little take so much of your time? We was so done with our old life. Rylan would be our new life...
For a long time we didn't want another child. I kept getting asked when is Rylan going to have a little brother or sister? And I would say never lol... They would tell me that Rylan doesn't need to grow up alone, he will be lonely and he will grow up selfish and spoiled. I didn't have no idea why people think it's appropriate to say these kinds of things, but they do and they did all the time. That got me to thinking, Rylan does need a little brother or sister.
We soon learned that one of the rules of life also applies to parenting: This too, shall pass, and it did. Rylan has got easier. Life has got easier, and we realized that we could, in fact, have a life and have children. You just have to include them in your life, which sometimes makes it more interesting. So we decided to have another one. It didn't take have of the time it took with Rylan to get pregnant. It's been a journey with this pregnancy, but it's going to be well worth the wait..
It's so so precious when Rylan rubs my bed and talks to his little brother. Having Rylan has changed my whole life.. I know that there will be exciting journey for me and Scott, though we are ready for it.