Tuesday, March 31, 2009

When do you push to hard?

With cigarette prices to go up tomorrow, I have been trying to get Scott to stop smoking. Maybe I am emotional right now cause all the hormones, but I love my husband and I would love for him to stop smoking. He keeps promising me that he is going to quit but I know he is still smoking. Last year I made him a doctor's appointment to see about getting chantix. He tried though he really didn't want to quit. Then I got pregnant, and we made a promise that he would quit smoking and I would eat better cause I have gestational diabetes. He started again taking his chantix, and had quit for a little over a month. Then I was having some problems with the pregnancy, and that gave him a excuse to smoke. He says it calms him down, which I know that is another excuse... So since February he is been sneaking around smoking. Every time I find some cigarettes, lighters, or light fuild I throw them out. I know it's the pregnancy that makes me do it lol... I hate that he lies to me. If he doesn't want to quit why doesn't he say so. He needs to quit. So I have called the doctors office again today to get him some more chantix. He is going to stop. I feel like one way or another I will make him see that he needs to stop, not for me, but for his kids. I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with him, and I don't want him to die like my granny did cause she could of lived longer if she had put down the cigarettes. Scott need some motivation. He is going to be 60 years old living on a oxygen tank and still smoking. I don't want that. How can I make him see... I have to keep pushing harder and harder.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 28

Time flies....

I guess times flies by when your having fun... It just seems like yesterday I brought home Rylan from the hospital. In less than 4 weeks I will be bring home Levi. I was looking at Rylan this morning thinking where did all the time go? He has become a sweet little boy, and sometimes I think life sometimes happens so fast that I can't enjoy every little minute with him. I am hoping this time around things will be more relaxed and at ease with Levi. I have decided to not go back to work. I know I need to be home with my boys... There is so much that I missed with Rylan that I hope I get to see with Levi.
Tomorrow I will be 34 weeks. Hooray.... I'm almost there. It's been a long journey. I just hope and pray that everything will be alright with him. He is a little fighter. I have been on bed rest most of the time with him, and I have to go to complete bed rest for the next two weeks cause they don't want me to go into labor early. He has been keeping me up most of the nights, and I'm always tired.. I have been sleeping a lot lately. Everyone tells me to get it while I can. Guess I should listen. Rylan is getting more excited. I can't wait to see his face when he see baby Levi. I hope it's going to be easy with two little boys. I am already trying to get Rylan in at Brookside. Hopefully that will calm in down a little before he goes to school, and hopefully he won't get kicked out. That is my fear, but I think he will do just fine, cause when we aren't around he is a different person.
I go to the doctor Wednesday. Maybe I'll get to find out when I get to have this boy... Ty is coming in April 24.. If I can hold off till then.. I am finally starting to get excited. I can't wait!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What life brings us....

When me and Scott got married we deciede to wait a little bit for we would have kids.
We wanted to be married for a year, and Scott needed to have his hip surgery. With being newly married we didn't want to put a strain on our marriage. It would have been to hard. Before Rylan, our days were carefree and spontaneous and easy. Life was good, we thought lol. Me and Scott were they type who really did pick up on a moment's notice and go somewhere. We would go out to eat all the time, hang out with friends, have friends over, and go 4 wheeling. We didn't have nobody but each other to answer to. If we wanted to sleep till 12pm we could. I only done that cause I was working 3rd shift. We had many lazy days where we wouldn't do nothing. We had our "must-see TV", mine was sex in the city and Scott's was Jag. You know the phrase "youth is wasted on the young"? Well, not having children is wasted on those who don't have children. Those of us who have kids understand that it is totally impossible to appreciate the freedom of not having them until you actually do have them. But through all this we really, really, really wanted children. And the time came. And we waited 6 months for us to get pregnant. We was thrilled to finally have our baby boy. And then, we were shocked, overwhelmed, disoriented, and overly tired. How could something so little take so much of your time? We was so done with our old life. Rylan would be our new life...

For a long time we didn't want another child. I kept getting asked when is Rylan going to have a little brother or sister? And I would say never lol... They would tell me that Rylan doesn't need to grow up alone, he will be lonely and he will grow up selfish and spoiled. I didn't have no idea why people think it's appropriate to say these kinds of things, but they do and they did all the time. That got me to thinking, Rylan does need a little brother or sister.

We soon learned that one of the rules of life also applies to parenting: This too, shall pass, and it did. Rylan has got easier. Life has got easier, and we realized that we could, in fact, have a life and have children. You just have to include them in your life, which sometimes makes it more interesting. So we decided to have another one. It didn't take have of the time it took with Rylan to get pregnant. It's been a journey with this pregnancy, but it's going to be well worth the wait..
It's so so precious when Rylan rubs my bed and talks to his little brother. Having Rylan has changed my whole life.. I know that there will be exciting journey for me and Scott, though we are ready for it.

Dr. Appointment Today

I had to go to the doctor today and I got some good news... They put the belt on me and Levi just went crazy (which that is good). Dr. got called away for a delivery and I got to see the nurse. I was asking her questions about me feeling pressure and all that, and I asked her if all goes right will I go to 40 weeks? She told me that they don't like for women who has gestational diabetes to go more than 38 weeks, cause they don't want the baby to get to big. So, that means I have less than 6 weeks till baby Levi gets here. I am ready. Finally got all the baby clothes washed, his baby bed put up, and went through the drawers to make room for the little guy... Rylan can't wait. I try to tell him something about a baby every night. Hopefully this will make him jealous. Like last night I was telling him about Levi's belly button, and how he will have a scab over it and we will have to keep it cleaned out.. Rylan is just amazed. Mom got him a shirt this weekend at walmart that says "Big Brother". I have been looking every where but walmart for one. Rylan loved the shirt. He is getting excited more and more as it gets closer.

I had a great birthday.. Scott took me out to eat. We was going to go to Olive Garden friday night, though it was so packed you couldn't even park. So he suggested that we go and eat at Red Lobster, and it was to die for. He had lobster and shrimp and I had the ultimate feast... It was well worth the money... It was good. Then he took me to Sam's Club. I am going to start going there, we got a lot of good deals if you buy in bulk. Then we headed home cause we was both tired.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My little boy is growing up...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

31 weeks

Well I have made it to 31 weeks, and I can't believe it... Only 9 more weeks to go if I make it to full term, but I got a feeling I won't. This has been the longest journey for me. It's a miracle that he is here, and just a few weeks I will be able to see him.
I keep having these dreams that he is going to come out a girl, but the ultrasound lady assured me that he was a boy... I finally got the crib up, still have stuff to bring out, and I have totes everywhere downstairs full of baby clothes. It's not helping me cause I'm nesting. Everything is bothering me.. Monday will be my birthday, I will be 28. It doesn't seem like I should be that old. Where does the time go. Just seems like yesterday I turned 18.. Monday I will also be 32 weeks. I am counting down the weeks now. I am so ready to see Levi. We haven't though of a middle name. I guess it will just come to us when we are in the delivery room lol.. I am getting so excited. I told Scott yesterday that we are going to have to keep the rains down with 2 boys, but we are going to have the time of our lives... I am so happy.. I couldn't be happier. It's so nice knowing that I don't have to go back to work either. I love my LIFE....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I have been so busy this week. Wednesday I went to the doctor and everything is looking good, which is great for me... Hopefully to much longer. I finally got the baby bed up.. I was so afraid that he would come and I wouldn't have nowhere to put him. Then Scott brought out the totes in the building that had all of Rylan's baby clothes. I am in the process of washing all of that, which is a job... I have the pool table full of baby clothes. I didn't realize how much stuff that Rylan had. I didn't get rid of nothing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

4D Ultrasound of Levi

I had to go to the doctor today, and everything went good. I am 30weeks and 2 days. I haven't gain any weight during this pregnancy which Dr said was good since I've been watching my sugar. It's been hard though. I am so ready for Levi to get here. He was yawning when I was having the ultrasound done. It was so cute.


When Rylan got up Sunday morning he was ready to get outside and play in the snow. I really didn't think that it was going to snow much, but I was shocked when I looked out side. I fixed him some breakfast and out the door he was at 9am. I had him so bundled up that I don't think he could move. He had two shirts and two pairs of pants on.

After Scott pulled him around about 30 mins, Scott decides to go and get the 4 wheeler out and have a little fun. I think Scott is as big kid as Rylan is.

Then Scott wants to ride through the neighborhood and see if our friends are out. When we get to Jon and Candy's house, Jon is trying to get the go cart running so they can ride in the snow. We had so much fun at their house. We had to take a break cause the guys had to go and get gas for their rides, so we went in and fixed some lunch. When Scott and Jon got back, Scott was showing everyone how Rylan rides his back like a bronco. It was hilarious, and we had fun....

I am so proud of Rylan....

My little boy is growing up so fast. This weekend we decided to put bed rails on his bed thinking it would help him sleep in his own bed, and so far it's working. Last night was the first night that he slept all night in his own bed. And as for tonight, he is sleeping away in his bed. Trust me, I have learned my lesson about letting your kids sleep with you. It's alright until you go and try to get them out of bed with you. I have see where parents want to co sleep with their kids, and I guess that's alright, cause they are so sweet and you just want to love them, but till you go and try to get them out, it's a nightmare. I won't be doing it with Levi. Rylan still has to have someone lay down with him. He has this thing where he has to be held and rub your ear till he goes to sleep. I hope with time that I won't have to lay down with him every night. I guess I'm his blanket.... but hopefully he will get better with time. Here is some pictures of his bed rails. You can tell he is excited to get them.