I didn't realize how long it's been since I have posted... Well Levi came on Friday May 1. All went pretty good, considering my pregnancy. Friday morning when they checked me and I hadn't changed, I knew something was up.. Then the nurse said " I don't want to scare you, but the baby is breach.." I had a feeling that I would have to have a c-section. Levi is the best baby, maybe cause Rylan is my wild child.. Levi came out but first. Scott had a thrill watching him being born. I think he was more interested in watching cut on me than anything, but that's Scott for ya. It doesn't seem like yesterday Levi was 4 weeks old. He is growing so fast.. I didn't realize how easy Rylan was till Levi lol. It's interesting having 2 boys. Rylan just loves his brother.